Short Snippets about Hanuman or Anjaneya
Hanuman is one of the most popular gods of Hinduism. He is called by many names such as Maruti, Chiranjivi, Anjaneya, etc. He exemplifies supreme devotion to Lord Rama. He is also the most ancient super human, who is popular beyond the Indian subcontinent.
He is mentioned in other traditions and cultures. He is variously described as an incarnation of Indra, Vayu and Shiva. People from all forms of life worship him and admire him for his strength, humility and valor.
Meet the greatest devotee Hanuman or Anjaneya
Those who are familiar or follow Hinduism and the epic Ramayana know the deity very well. He is considered to be the greatest devotee ever born on earth. He is one of the main characters of the epic Ramayana. He played a very crucial role in the liberation of Sita and destruction of the demon king, Ravana.
He was blessed by Sita, wife of Lord Rama for is devotion and valor. With which he would remain active on the planet earth till the end of the time cycle. He has been frequently referred to in the West as the monkey god. This is incorrect because Hanuman is not just a monkey but more than that. Lets have a look
The greatness of Hanuman and his superior power
With regard to character, strength and ability, Hanuman was far superior to even humans. His devotion to Lord Rama was unique, exemplary and unconditional. According to the Hindu mythology, Hanuman was born to Kesari and Anjana Devi, with the blessings of Lord Siva. Since He is Anjana’s son, He also bears the name of Anjaneya.
Hanuman was endowed with miraculous powers and strengths. He was the most ancient and most powerful superman known to the mankind. He had the ability to expand or contract his body at will and fly across long distances. Not only that he could even fly all the way across the planets to the Sun and back.
With his super human power and strength he evoked terror in the hearts of powerful demons and evil people and slew many. As a child, he flew beyond the earth into the space and tried to grab the Sun with his mouth, thinking it was a fruit. The Sun god later became his teacher.
Symbolic Significance of Lord Hanuman or Anjaneya

Lord Hanuman symbolically stands for pure devotion, complete surrender and absence of ego or the lower self. His character tells us what we can do in our lives by becoming pure devotees of God. As the son of Vayu, he symbolically represents the subtle bodies.
It involves the breath body, the mental body and the intelligence body. The breath body is responsible for the movement of life energy or prana in our bodies. It is especially strong in people who lead ethically clean and maiden lives. Also performing austerities, for which Anjaneya was particularly famous.
Hanuman, the devotee represents the mental body, which is made up of the thought currents that float in our chitta or consciousness. It is responsible for our imagination, astral travel and dream experiences. The intelligence body is made up of buddhi or discretionary intelligence.
This is considered one of the highest tattvas or principles of Nature. Our buddhi is said to be a direct reflection of divine intelligence. It is responsible for our decision-making ability, rational thinking and conscience.
Different Interpretations about Hanuman or Anjaneya
“Hanuman,” he is the one without any doubt (anuman) as to the existence of Rama (God). As anjaniputra, he is the one who comes accidentally into this world, but by his efforts ascends to the greater heights of spiritual evolution.
As Vayuputra he is the breath body in us and can help the lower self (Sita) that is lost to ignorance to reunite with its true companion, the inner soul (Rama). As Veeranjaneya, he is the source of courage and confidence for many a timid heart.
As Bhajarangbali, he is strong in both devotion and physical strength. He is an ocean of virtues and friend of the pure hearted. He loves the ascetic qualities in man because only those who are detached and mentally free from the luxuries of life and desires of their bodies can truly concentrate on the divine and attain him.
Thus, Hanuman represents many things at many levels. He is regarded as the Superman, the perfect man, the knowledge body (gnana guna sagara) in man, the immortal man (chiranjeevi), the animal man and the flying human (va+nara).
A final say on Hanuman or Anjaneya
He is a perfect example of true devotion and complete surrender. He is a symbol of devotion and service to God. He is the one who can purify himself and attain immortality. Truly in the entire Hindu pantheon there in none like Shri Hanuman. Though born strangely as a manifestation of Lord Shiva but became a great devotee of Shri Mahavishnu through Lord Ram.
Want to know more on different deities kindly click here Lord Vishnu is one of the Hindu Gods and Deities – Omnipresent – Protector- Preserver