In today’s world finding one true love can be hard. With the current culture of dating and hooking up, it has only become harder as it widens ups the options and matches. We do have a solution for that, well not exactly a solution but a guide for all towards their “The One”.
Since ancient times, Zodiacs have been used to inform an individual about the course of their life. Many believe that zodiac signs correlate to their personality and can also be used to predict one’s fortune, health, and even LOVE.
In many cultures, finding love based on astrology and zodiac signs is pretty common. In fact, it is believed that compatible zodiac signs have a healthier and happier relationship. The stars can help you avoid heartbreaks and messy break-ups.

However, it doesn’t mean that if your and your partner’s zodiac sign clash, your love will not work out. Synastry and zodiac signs can only suggest the potential matches, in the end, it is you and your partner who has to work on your relationship.
With that being said, today we will be diving into “The Best and Worst Matches for Pisces”
About Pisces
The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces are born between February 19 to March 20. They are creative and imaginative, being able to dream beyond reality. They are great artists as they are poets and is there a poet who has not spoken of love?
Pisces are deeply empathetic, considerate, kind, selfless, and romantic. Their loving and caring are infectious as they are great observers who are emotionally sensitive and aware. They are capable of deep love but not all the signs can withstand their passion and devotion.
Best Matches:
Cancer and Pisces

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and one of the best matches for Pisces. Represented by crab and fish, both the water signs belong to each other. The pair crave intimacy and deep emotional connection.
Pisces are dreamers and have great imaginations. Their mind often wanders away from the world with many ideas pouring in. Cancers with their practicality and command can help Pisces bring their dreams to fruition.
In the same way, Cancer though caring can often worry a lot. They struggle with their emotions and they come off as moody. Pisces are sweet and can soothe the overwhelming emotions in Cancers.
Therefore, a match between the two is considered to be as beautiful as a fairytale ending. Both being emotionally sensitive, the pair can communicate well and bond incredibly well.
Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and one of the most intense signs of the lot. Mysterious, cold yet hot, and secretive, Scorpios are often withdrawn and keep much to themselves. However, the sweet and soothing Pisces is sure to melt their defenses.

Pisces and Scorpio are both water signs, making them able to understand one another and be in sync with their feelings. The celestial pair desire a passionate love, a soulmate bond.
The Scorpios will provide a base for their relationship and the Pisces will simply adapt to it. Scorpio and Pisces have faith in each other to come clean about their feelings. They have a level of trust where they can share ideas without feeling afraid to say so.
Pisces are often indecisive which becomes an obstruction to their dreams. Scorpios are driven and devoted to achieving their goals and they are sure to make their partner’s dreams come true as well.
Both the signs long for a lasting fulfilling relationship. Hence, we can assuredly say that “they are the pair who burn for each other”.
Taurus and Pisces

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is represented by the bull. Dependable and realistic, Taurus can be a perfect match for the airy and often dreaming, Pisces.
As an earth sign, Taurus offers stability and practicality while Pisces being the water sign brings in creativity and fun. Taurus can become the rock in Pisces’ need in their lives.
On the other hand, Taurus can be quite superficial but Pisces’ ideas and viewpoints can help them be at peace with themselves not possessing the newest thing on-trend.
The pair is really devoted to one another and with little yet thoughtful gestures made in their relationship. Together, they can survive any storm their relationship may face.
Worst Matches:
Leo and Pisces
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. They are fierce, bold, and confident as the Lion, which embodies their sign. Pisces are attracted to their strength while Leo in turn, is fascinated by Pisces’ emotional depth.

Despite being among the less compatible of the pair, Leo and Pisces may work out because of their longing for a love that sweeps them off their feet. However, it is often their intense feeling that breaks them up.
Though there may be an initial attraction between the pair, it is said that with time their fascination with one another runs out. Leo is stuck-up in their ways and Pisces are more than ready to go with the flow but having to do so time and again will wear anyone out.
Likewise, they are both extremely sensitive and if one or the other voices out their frustrations, it may hurt the one on the receiving end and they may fall out.
Gemini and Pisces
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is represented by twins. Playful and witty, they are often regarded as the social butterflies. Both Pisces and Gemini being mutable signs, they are flexible and adaptable.

The pair are optimistic and do not fear change. Their flexibility can help them overcome many difficult situations. However, they are known as one of the worst matches in the zodiac for many reasons.
Geminis as Pisces are really indecisive and suck at decision-making. Both of them want the other to take the charge and they can talk for hours but may never reach a conclusion.
Similarly, Gemini often comes off as emotionally insensitive which is why they may hurt the emotionally sensitive Pisces without their own knowing.
Pisces crave magical love and a soulmate bond but Gemini is extremely skeptical of these kinds of notions. Moreover, Gemini does not want to be emotionally dependent on anyone which is hard with Pisces’ caring nature.
Aquarius and Pisces
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. They are highly creative and optimistic which matches well with Pisces’ creative and dreamy nature.

Both the signs have idealistic viewpoints of the world and they often dream to change society and make this world a better place. However, all they will do is talk and never act as they will not push each other to achieve their dreams.
Pisces are emotionally dependent on their partner. They want the utmost attention from their partner. This doesn’t work well with an Aquarius who is sure to run aware if they feel suffocated in a relationship.
Aquarius is often said to be emotionally detached as they want to enjoy their own personal space. Pisces who crave attachment get hurt due to the space built between them.
Moreover, Aquarius are logical and they can’t understand the almost psychic Pisces. This is why many believe that this pair is better off as friends.
With all being said, I believe that the fate of a relationship can not be decided by sun signs. A full reading of the pair’s birth charts along with synastry can help gain some insight into a relationship.
However, in the end, it is the two people who have to work things out. Loyalty, trust, communication, appreciation, and love along with much effort and dedication are required for a fulfilling love life.
Differences, flaws, and conflicts exist in every relationship regardless of the zodiac. It is up to themselves to make or break their relationship